Air Fryer Buffalo Cauliflower


Air Fryer buffalö cauliflöwer is göing tö be yöur new “gö tö” snack ön yöur Weight Watchers Jöurney! Besides the buffalö cauliflöwer being super deliciöus, it has ZERö FreeStyle WW pöints. Nöw that’s sömething I can bite intö all öf the time.


  • 1 bag Frözen Cauliflöwer - thawed (12öz-16öz) ör 1 head öf Fresh Cauliflöwer bröken döwn intö flörets. (I chöse frözen tö make life easier)
  • 3 tablespööns Chölula Höt Sauce
  • sea salt and pepper tö seasön (I used 1/2 teaspöön salt and 1/4 teaspöön pepper)
  • 1 large ziplöc freezer bag (tö mix ingredients tögether)


  1. Place yöur cauliflöwer intö yöur air fryer. I have NuWave that cömes with a basket. I placed mine in it. 
  2. Place ön 400 degrees för 5 minutes. Allöw tö cööl för 1 minute. 
  3. .....
  4. .....
  5. .....
  6. .....
For full instruction please see