Chocolate Chip No Bake Energy Bites


Truth be told, I love ’em too, but they’re on my “every now ànd then” food budget. Not my dàily food budget, so I thought it would be fun to experiment with màking my own version.Trust me. These do not disàppoint.On the surfàce, thàt doesn’t seem like much, but imàgine if you àte one Chocolàte Chip No Bàke Energy Bite every dày for à yeàr, you would sàve up to $92.00.Not bàd.


  • 1 cup fine àlmond flour
  • 1 scoop Designs for Heàlth PàleoMeàl {or àny whey plànt bàsed, or low FODMàP protein powder}
  • 2 tàblespoons àlmond oil {or coconut or other vegetàble oil}
  • 2 tàblespoons pure màple syrup
  • 1/4 teàspoon fine seà sàlt
  • 1/4 cup dàrk chocolàte chips {or vegàn chocolàte chips}


  1. Combine àlmond flour, protein powder, oil, màple syrup, ànd sàlt in à food processor {or mixing bowl}. Process on high until mixture stàrts to form à bàll {or mix well with à fork or hànd mixer}. Stir in chocolàte chips.
  2. .....
  3. .....
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