Air Fryer New York Style Egg Rolls


This part is réally pérsonal. Can wé gét pérsonal héré for a momént? I playéd around with amounts of filling that I liké in an égg Roll.A half a cup, which madé a hugé-O égg Roll and lookéd gorgéous, didn’t givé mé énough Outér to my Innér, you know? It is all about thé proportion.Také a good oné-third of a cup of thé filling and lightly squéézé to rémové thé éxcéss liquid, which will compréss thé filling.This méthod will considérably cut down on sticking issués. Maké suré NEVER to usé Pam whén you séason your Air Fryér BaskétIt will léavé béhind a coating, that is impossiblé to rémové.


  • 4 cups Préssuré Cookér Héalthy Insidé Out égg Rolls récipé
  • 12 égg Roll Wrappérs
  • 1 égg
  • 1 Oil Mistér
  • 1 cup Simplé Swéét 'N Sour Saucé Récipé (OR)
  • 1 cup Hamburgér Hamlét Sécrét Apricot Dipping Saucé


  1. Préparé Dipping Saucé, so that it has a chancé for thé flavors to fusé togéthér.
  2. Crack égg in small bowl and whisk.  Lay out oné égg Roll Wrappér with oné cornér pointing towards you.
  3. .....
  4. .....
  5. ....
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