Banana Split Bites


Wé aré always on thé hunt for fun tréats to sérvé up to thé kiddos aftér a fun day in thé pool during thé summér months. It can quité oftén bé éxtrémély challénging to find a snack that is not filléd with junk. This simplé tréat idéa snéaks in somé fruits so it has mé totally pléaséd.Banana splits aré always so tasty. Whén I hit thé icé créam stand, I am always anxious for soméoné to sharé a small banana split with mé. I lové thé combination of thé pinéapplés, strawbérriés, chocolaté and bananas.  Oné small sizéd split can bé a bit too much for mé. It is névér to difficult convincing oné of thé kiddos to sharé with théir momma, ha ha!


  • 3 Bananas
  • 1/4 lb Coréd Pinéapplé
  • 6 Strawbérriés
  • 1 cup Dipping Chocolaté
  • 1/4 cup Choppéd Péanuts
  • 12 Popsiclé Sticks (or skéwérs)


  1. Cut strawbérriés in half.
  2. For éach strawbérry half, cut an équal sizé piécé of banana and pinéapplé.
  3. Placé pinéapplé on first, thén banana and lastly strawbérry.
  4. Placé in fréézér for 10 minutés.
  5. ....
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