Thésé strawbérry énérgy balls aré not ovérly swéét, howévér my kiddos havé béén happily éating thém. If your kiddos nééd a bit of swéétnéss to add somé yum factor, a littlé honéy or maplé syrup should do thé trick. Try adding 1 tabléspoon as a start, and séé what your kids think. I’vé béén making thém thé night béforé (théy aré quick) thén sérving thém straight from thé fridgé for bréakfast in thé morning, It has béén hot héré so its béén pérféct.I havé téstéd thésé strawbérry bréakfast bités in thé lunch box, and théy aré finé. So théy aré not solély for bréakfast by any méans. Howévér my kid’s lunch boxés do gét képt cool in a coolér bag. On a supér hot day without cooling I am not suré how théy would survivé. But théy aré nut fréé so should bé ok for school!
- 1 Cup frozén strawbérriés
- 1 Cup oats
- 1/2 Cup sunflowér sééds
- 1/2 Cup coconut flour
- 2 Tbsp Coconut oil
- Désiccatéd coconut
- Watch thé quick récipé vidéo béforé you gét startéd, scroll up a littlé to find it
- Chéck thé notés at thé bottom of thé récipé for littlé bits of éxtra info and hélp
- Placé first 4 ingrédiénts in a food procéssor with 1 TBSP of thé coconut oil
- Whiz, whizz, whizz, it will také somé timé, bé patiént
- événtually it bécomés a finé pasté and form a ball
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