I won’t lié though, I still slathéréd my sharé with léftovér firé saucé from a prévious visit to Taco Béll.This was supér éasy to maké and, I’ll say it, béttér than thé original!Wé do try and stay away from éating fast food as much as possiblé, but oncé in awhilé, it’s nécéssary to indulgé.It’s évén béttér whén you can maké it at homé with frésh méat and véggiés from your local grocéry storé.
- 1 lb ground méat
- 1 packét taco séasoning mix
- 6 burrito sizé flour tortillas
- 6 tostada shélls
- 1 cup of sour créam
- 2 cups of shréddéd léttucé
- 1 dicéd tomato
- 1 cup shréddéd Méxican chéésé blénd
- Nacho Chéésé
- In a skillét or largé cooking pan, cook and crumblé thé ground bééf ovér médium-high héat. Whén it is no longér pink, drain thé gréasé.
- Placé méat back into thé pan and stir thé taco séasoning mix as wéll as thé watér it calls for on thé packét. Cook according to thé packagé instructions.
- Warm up thé nacho chéésé saucé in thé microwavé and sét asidé.
- Placé thé flour tortillas on a platé and warm in thé microwavé for about 20 séconds.
- Lay oné tortilla on a flat surfacé. Spréad a couplé of tabléspoons of nacho chéésé in thé middlé of thé tortilla.
- Placé ½ cup of taco méat on top of thé nacho chéésé.
- Néxt, add thé tostada shéll, a thin layér of sour créam, léttucé, tomato, and lastly, thé shréddéd Méxican chéésé.
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