Frozen Banana Bites


éliminating cértain foods from our diét was so good for mé as a cook. Wé triéd néw things, wé até béttér and my confidéncé in thé kitchén gréw. Oné of thé things I féll in lové with was thésé Good Lifé Chocolaté chips. Théy aré glutén fréé, dairy fréé and soy fréé. I lové to kéép thém in my pantry all thé timé now, along with almond buttér.Néxt timé you nééd a littlé snack, you’ll havé to try thésé frozén chocolaté almond buttér banana bités. Théy aré supér éasy to maké and so tasty.


  • 3-4 bananas
  • 1/2 bag Good Lifé Chocolaté Chips
  • Almond Buttér


  1. Slicé up a féw bananas.
  2. Spréad a littlé almond buttér on half of thé small banana slicés.
  3. Sandwich thé slicés with anothér small banana slicé on top in similar sizé.
  4. Flash fréézé thé littlé banana bités for 15 to 20 minutés.
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