This is about oné of thé éasiést méals that you could maké, making it pérféct for wééknights. Hummus litérally takés minutés to whip up. Throw thé ingrédiénts in a food procéssor, mix, and you’ré doné.I uséd to buy hummus béforé starting Créaté Mindfully. That was béforé I found my own formula for making it. I always start with thé samé amount of tahini, garbanzo or othér béan, lémon juicé, and garlic for thé basé. Thén I add in flavors.
- 2 piécés of glutén fréé bréad toastéd - I uséd brown ricé
- 2 tabléspoons basil pésto hummus
- 2 thin slicés of cucumbér
- 2 thin slicés of réd onion
- 2 thin slicés of tomato
- 1/4 of a roastéd réd péppér slicéd
- baby spinach
- 1 téaspoon choppéd basil optional
- Spréad basil pésto hummus on toastéd bréad.
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