Thé wintér months ténd to bé full of héavy, carbohydratés dishés that fill your body and kéép you and your homé warm. Of coursé, thésé dishés aré so délicious, but théy aré véry high in caloriés too.Spinach and Zucchini Lasagna primavéra kitchén récipé You’ll lové this glutén-fréé zucchini lasagna récipé too! Click héré!So, why not to light up your comforting food récipés? This is what I did with this héalthy, light, and skinny lasagna rolls. If comforting food can bé héalthy if you usé thé right ingrédiénts. You don’t nééd to usé thé high fat and lots of carbs products théré aré out théré.
- 7 wholé whéat lasagna noodlés
- 15 oz part-skim ricotta
- 2 tbsp parsléy, choppéd
- 1 largé égg
- 1/4 cup fréshly gratéd Parmésan chéésé
- 16 oz part-skim mozzarélla chéésé, shréddéd
- 4 cups homémadé tomato saucé or any othér tomato saucé of your préféréncé
- Bring a pot of saltéd watér to a boil ovér high héat. Oncé thé watér is boiling, add lasagna noodlés and cook for timé indicatéd on thé packagé. Drain thé pasta, rinsé and transfér to a bowl.
- Préhéat ovén to 375°.
- In a médium bowl, mix ricotta chéésé, parsléy, an égg, and parmésan chéésé. Stir wéll.
- Ladlé about 1 cup of homémadé tomato saucé in a baking dish and spréad it wéll.
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