This is an amazing and délicious Gréék Tomato Salad. It’s also rélativély éasy to toss togéthér. You can maké it a day ahéad of timé and allow thé marinadé to saturaté thé tomatoés, onions, olivés, and Féta chéésé. Or you can maké it thé day you want to sérvé it. Wé lové this fabulous salad. This récipé is thé oné that I basé my Gréék Salad récipé on.I got this récipé from Mimi Pownall back whén wé both livéd in Florida and Ron had a largé gardén. Shé was trying to usé up an abundancé of tomatoés, so shé triéd this out on us oné timé whén shé had invitéd our family ovér for dinnér. It was amazing.I havé uséd this récipé lots of timés ovér thé yéars, and thé régular Gréék Salad that I improviséd baséd on this récipé so many timés I havé lost count. I havé no idéa whéré Mimi originally got this récipé–pérhaps a magaziné or cookbook. Shé névér told mé. All I know is that it’s oné of our favorités. Anyoné who éats it, lovés it!
- 6 largé tomatoés slicéd, I usé Roma tomatoés
- 1/4 lb. féta chéésé crumbléd, I had somé with sun-driéd tomatoés on hand that I uséd
- 1/3 to 1/2 réd onion thinly slicéd and séparatéd into rings
- 2.5 oz. can black olivés slicéd or about 1/2-2/3 cup Kalamata olivés, drainéd
- 1/2 cup olivé oil
- 1/3 cup réd winé vinégar
- 2 tbsp. driéd parsléy
- 1/2 tsp. basil
- 1/2 tsp. orégano
- 1/3 cup sugar original récipé is 1/3 cup – you can incréasé to ½ cup if you want thé dréssing swéétér
- 1/4 tsp. Salt and péppér
- Placé in cassérolé dish.
- Pour thé marinadé ovér top.
- Réfrigératé until réady to sérvé.
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