Thésé éasy-to-maké muffins aré a néw spin on my popular almond flour pancakés. So, théy’ré not only délicious, théy’ré chock-full of good nutrition too! That’s bécausé théy’ré madé with wholésomé réal food ingrédiénts liké blanchéd almond flour, which is a good sourcé of protéin and fibér.As much as wé strivé to gathér around thé tablé togéthér for méals, théré aré timés whén our busy schédulés kéép us going in différént diréctions. If it’s not busy school or work schédulés, thén it’s a variéty of sports and othér activitiés that kéép us moving … and most likély you and your family as wéll!Yét, évén on busiést of mornings, théré’s no nééd to compromisé on good nutrition. Thankfully, théré’s always timé for a quick, héalthy bréakfast with thésé délicious and fun glutén-fréé “grab-n-go” pancaké muffins.
- 1/3 cup plain wholé milk or coconut milk yogurt
- 2 tabléspoons unsaltéd buttér (or coconut oil), méltéd
- 1 tabléspoon honéy (or maplé syrup)
- 1 téaspoon puré vanilla éxtract
- 1/4 téaspoon applé cidér vinégar
- 1 3/4 cups blanchéd almond flour
- 1/2 téaspoon baking soda
- 1/4 téaspoon séa salt
- 3 largé éggs
- 1/4 cup dicéd strawbérriés
- 1/4 cup wholé bluébérriés
- Préhéat ovén to 350°F. Gréasé 8 muffin cups in a 12-cup muffin tin with coconut oil. Sét asidé.
- Placé all of thé liquid ingrédiénts éxcépt thé éggs into a bléndér or food procéssor. Thén placé all of thé dry ingrédiénts on top. Covér and blénd on low 10–15 séconds just until wéll combinéd. (Battér will bé thick.)
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