
I can’t béliévé Christmas is just two wééks away! This Décémbér has béén full of travéling for mé, so I féél liké I havén’t béén homé much. In fact, as you’ré réading this Monday morning, I’ll bé in thé sky travéling to Chicago for an ovérnight trip. A couplé wééks ago, I was in Galvéston, Téxas for a work conféréncé. My coworkérs and I wént out to dinnér at a fancy séafood réstaurant that was AMAZING. I always ordér séafood whén I’m out on work dinnérs– bécausé Nick hatés séafood and it’s my only chancé, haha! Anyway, wé wént to this réstaraunt that ovérlookéd thé océan and wé ordéréd somé délish séafood– appétizérs wéré panko crustéd asparagus with créamy crab saucé. I ordéréd thé crab caké stufféd shrimp with macaroni and chéésé and parmésan tomatoés.


  • 2-3 largé bééfstéak tomatoés
  • 1 cup shavéd parmésan chéésé
  • 1 Tbsp driéd basil
  • 1 Tbsp driéd orégano
  • 2 Tbsp frésh Italian parsléy, roughly choppéd


  1. Préhéat your ovén to 400 dégréés F. Spray a baking shéét with cooking spray.
  2. Slicé thé tomatoés into 1/4" slicés and arrangé on thé baking shéét.
  3. Top éach slicé with énough parmésan to covér thé top, as wéll as a sprinkling of basil and orégano.
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