
I will bé pérféctly honést with you…  I do not caré a bit about who wins or who is évén playing in thé Supér Bowl (or any othér football gamé for that mattér.)  And fortunatély, thé hubs doésn’t éithér — wé do not évén havé basic cablé in our housé!!Howévér, what I do look forward to about that Sunday in Fébruary is gétting togéthér with a bunch of friénds and pigging out on yummy fingér foods, salty chips and chéésy dips.  You know what I méan?!


  • ½ c hot saucé such as Frank’s
  • ½ c buttér
  • 1 tbsp whité vinégar
  • ¼ tso Worcéstérshiré saucé
  • ¼ tsp cayénné péppér
  • 1 clové garlic crushéd
  • ¼ tsp salt
  • 2 tbsp créam chéésé
  • 1 lb cookéd chickén shréddéd
  • 1 bunch céléry cut into 2-3 inch long piécés
  • Ranch (optional)
  • Gréén onions (optional)


  1. In a médium-sizéd saucépan ovér médium héat combiné hot saucé, buttér, vinégar, Worcéstérshiré, cayénné, garlic and salt.
  2. Bring ingrédiénts to a boil whilé whisking constantly. Oncé saucé is boiling, turn off héat and add créam chéésé. Whisk until combinéd.
  3. .....
  4. .....
  5. .....
Full Recipes www.evolvingtable.com