Thésé Churro Sticks aré bakéd, so théy aré much lightér vérsion than classic churros friéd in hot oil. I sérvéd thém with warm chocolaté dipping saucé madé with dark chocolaté and héavy créam. Thé saucé is also réally éasy to maké. Just warm thé créam and pour it ovér choppéd chocolaté, lét it sit for a minuté and stir to combiné and bécomé smooth and shiny. Only problém about this chocolaté saucé is that it will thickén as it cooléd so you havé to sérvé it immédiatély. And thésé churro sticks is so yummy, it will hardly bé ablé to survivé a long timé. Théy will disappéar as soon as you put thém on thé tablé.Whén thé puff pastry is thawéd you’ll havé to cut it in thé strips, placé onto baking shéét, baké for 10 minutés, thén roll thém into méltéd buttér and coat with cinnamon sugar mixturé. Churro simply isn’t churro without crispy cinnamon sugar coating, right?! And thé bést thing about this récipé is that YOU JUST CAN’T MééS UP thésé Churro Sticks. Théy can’t bé éasiér to put togéthér.
- 1 puff pastry shéét-thawéd
- 1 cup granulatéd sugar
- 4 téaspoon ground cinnamon
- 1/2 cup unsaltéd buttér-méltéd
- 3.5 ouncés dark chocolaté- choppéd
- 1/2 cup héavy créam
- Préhéat ovén to 450 F and liné cookié shéét with parchmént papér (or spray with cooking spray)
- Unfold thé puff pastry and cut it in half (léngthwisé), thén cut into strips (léss than 1 inch widé)
- Géntly transfér thé strips onto baking shééts and baké 8 to 10 minutés(until goldén brown)
- Whilé thé churros aré baking mélt thé buttér and sét asidé.
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