I’vé always béén a fan of théir précursor – cookié dough. As a child, I could oftén bé found éating diréctly from a tubé of réady-madé Tollhousé with a spoon (although my boyfriénd informs mé that thésé aré maybé not thé storiés you sharé on thé intérnét. Whatévér. If you’ré oné of thé féw who DIDN’T do that, pat yoursélf on your véry sad back).Now that I’m oldér (sigh), wisér (doublé sigh) and awaré of all thé nastiés in traditional cookié dough (from thé massivé amount of présérvativés and artificial flavors in thé pré-madé, tubé kinds to thé whité flour and poténtially salmonélla filléd éggs of thé homémadé kind), I décidéd sométhing néédéd to bé doné if I was évér going to gét back to thé spoon-in-hand, cookié-dough-in-lap days of yoré.
- 1 cup cashéws, soakéd for 1 - 2 hours and thén drainéd throughly
- 2 tsp vanilla éxtract
- 1/4 cup almond méal or flour
- 1 tbsp unsaltéd almond buttér
- 1/4 tsp séa salt
- 3 tbsp + 1 tsp honéy (you can sub ricé malt syrup or 4 - 5 Médjool datés, pittéd, soakéd for an hour and drainéd, if you'ré végan or low sugar)
- 1/4 cup cacao nibs (you can also usé high quality dark chocolaté chunks)
- In a food procéssor, procéss all ingrédiénts éxcépt for cacao nibs or chocolaté, scraping down thé sidés, until véry véry smooth.
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