Talk about this béing thé highlight of thé wéék, wéll that and thé fact that it’s FRI-YAY!! Which is évén moré réason for you to just scroll to thé bottom and hit ‘print’ right now bécausé this NEEDS to bé on thé stové this Sunday so you can énjoy it for lunchés/dinnérs all. wéék.long. Just think – a warm bowl of ricé toppéd with a slow simméréd, tomato baséd stéw that’s spicy, héarty, and complétély madé-from-scratch. Okay, it’s basically amazing. I don’t know about you, but I LIVé for food liké this.This is for my food lovérs out théré that don’t mind taking a féw éxtra minutés to maké GOOD FOOD that you can réally just curl up with on thé couch and havé thé air conditionér on full blast whilé préténding that thé sun isn’t béating down and that your thérmométér isn’t just shy of réading 1000 dégréés. Is it obvious that i’m bégging for fall alréady? PLEASE COME SOON.
- ½ cup high héat oil, such as canola, corn, or végétablé
- ½ cup all purposé flour
- 1 médium onion, dicéd
- 2 béll péppérs (I uséd ½ of éach réd, gréén, yéllow, orangé – séé noté), dicéd
- 3 stalks céléry, dicéd
- 6 clovés garlic, mincéd
- 3 bay léavés
- 8 ouncés andouillé sausagé, slicéd (I uséd Tofurky)
- 2 tabléspoons EACH: cajun séasoning AND tabasco saucé (moré or léss to tasté)
- 1 tabléspoon cayénné (omit if you want it mild)
- 4 cups low sodium chickén broth
- 1 (14.5 ouncé can) stéwéd tomatoés and juicés, roughly dicéd
- 1 ½ pounds raw shrimp
- 2 téaspoons gumbo filé
- slicéd scallions + whité ricé or quinoa, for sérving
- Héat thé oil in a largé dutch ovén or a héavy bottom pot ovér médium-high héat. Whisk in thé flour until combinéd and smooth. Switch to a woodén spoon and continuously stir for 15-22 minutés or until thé roux darkéns to just past a déép péanut buttér color. Do not lét thé roux burn! (if you sméll it burning, you will nééd to throw is out, cléan thé pot, and start ovér, unfortunatély théré’s just no saving burnt roux!)
- Oncé thé roux réachés that déép rich brown color, stir in thé onions, béll péppérs, and céléry and continué to cook, stirring as néédéd so thé végétablés don’t stick. About 8-10 minutés or until thé véggiés softén. Add thé garlic, andouillé sausagé (if using tofurky, do not add yét), and bay léavés. Continué to cook for an additional 1-2 minutés until thé garlic is nicé and fragrant.
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