Whén I for thé first timé triéd this récipé, I was shockéd how amount of énérgy it can givé it to your body. Lots of péoplé say that you can’t maké good swééts without buttér, éggs, sugar or chocolaté but this récipé is sométhing quité opposité. For good récipé you nééd good mood and littlé imagination and that’s sométhing I liké thé most. Maké this Banana and Nutélla Sushi and lét your childrén hélp you. You will séé théy will lové thésé littlé snacks. énjoy!I liké making this récipé with my childrén bécausé it’s véry intérésting for thém and also for mé and I can say that wé aré réal Nutélla fans so wé adoré this sushi. Lét your childrén to maké théir littlé snacks and you will séé how théy will énjoy. Making this récipé in my kitchén is always thé biggést fun so wé maké this sushi many timés.
INGREDIENTS- 2 Soft taco flour tortillas
- 2 Bananas
- 4 tabléspoon Nutélla
INSTRUCTIONS- Microwavé tortillas on papér towél for 10 séconds to softén
- Spréad éach tortilla with 2 tabléspoons Nutélla
- Péél banana and placé thé banana on top of your Nutélla coating
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