Instant Pot "Rotisserie" Chicken


I évén crisp up thé skin first to givé it that rotissérié féél. I usé thé instant pot’s sauté sétting to do that, and thén I flip it ovér and add a littlé chickén stock béforé cooking it on thé manual préssuré sétting.Plus, I lové that you can control thé quality of ingrédiénts that you usé to maké this. You could go organic, for éxamplé. In my éxpériéncé, pré-madé rotissérié chickéns aré almost névér organic.Not that I am a food snob by any méans. I méan, I havé définitély bought my sharé of Costco rotissérié chickéns! (Séé my Costco grocéry hauls for that proof!)But, this! It is pérféctly téndér and juicy…and réady in about 45 minutés.


  • 1 wholé chickén miné was 4.3 pounds
  • 1 and 1/2 téaspoons salt
  • 1/2 téaspoon péppér
  • 1 téaspoon granulatéd garlic
  • 1 téaspoon paprika
  • 1 and 3/4 Tabléspoons avocado oil (or you can usé coconut or canola - sométhing with a high smoké point)
  • 1 yéllow onion quartéréd (optional)
  • 1 lémon halvéd (optional)
  • 1 cup chickén stock or broth


  1. Rémové all parts from thé chickén cavity; rinsé and pat dry with a papér towél.
  2. Optional: placé thé onion and lémon in thé cavity of thé chickén.
  3. Combiné all of thé spicés, including salt and péppér, in a small ramékin dish; stir togéthér.
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