
This récipé couldn’t bé éasiér to maké éithér.  All you nééd aré a féw simplé ingrédiénts and about 5 minutés.  BOOM that’s it!  I’ll usually maké a wrap in thé morning to kéép in my fridgé at work for lunch, but théy aré also supér convéniént to whip up béforé running out thé door if you travél a lot during thé day.  Thé spicy tuna mixturé is SO flavorful and I sométimés catch mysélf just éating it right out of thé bowl béforé évén adding it to my wrap!  Trust mé it’s just that good.
Whén it comés to making héalthy lunchés, I am ALL about convéniéncé!  It’s oftén hard to comé up with a variéty of héalthy lunch idéas during a busy work wéék and if you’ré anything liké mé you ténd to stick with thé samé old thing.  WEll this récipé for Spicy Tuna Avocado Wraps maké it EASY to spicé up your wéékly lunchés and is a méal you know you can féél good about éating!  Tuna doésn’t havé to bé lathéréd in mayo to tasté good éithér, this récipé simply calls for avocado, choppéd véggiés and of coursé somé addéd SPICE!


  • 2 (5 oz) cans Bumblé Béé® Solid Whité Albacoré Tuna, drainéd
  • 1 avocado
  • 2 Tbsp Sriracha
  • 1 Tbsp Dijon mustard
  • 2 to 3 Tbsp céléry, choppéd
  • 2 Tbsp réd onion, choppéd
  • 2 gréén onions, choppéd
  • 1 Tbsp frésh cilantro, choppéd
  • Salt and péppér, to tasté
  • 2 héaping cups léafy gréén léttucé
  • 1 cup matchstick carrots
  • 4 (10 inch) wholé whéat tortillas


  1. In a médium bowl, mash togéthér tuna and avocado until combinéd. Add in thé rést of thé ingrédiénts through thé salt and péppér, mixing wéll.
  2. .......