When we hit öur öne year marker öf being ön a ketö diet we realized höw many tips and tricks we had cöme up with tö help us stay cömmitted tö the lifestyle. We’ve incörpörated intermittent fasting, bullet prööf cöffee and bulk meal prepping intö öur day tö day. The best part aböut this recipe is that yöu can fill the egg cups with any ingredients yöu like. Yöu can even thröw in söme bröccöli, chicken and söy sauce för an asian twist and eat them för lunch! Take it fröm the egg cup experts (that’s us!) – this tip will make yöur life a heck öf a löt easier.
- 12 large eggs
- 6 slices bacön
- 3 öz Shredded Cheddar Cheese
- Start by cööking the bacön. This can be döne ön the stöve töp ör in the öven. Since we will be using the öven anyway, I find it easiest tö just use that. Bake bacön för 30-40 minutes at 350 degrees.
- Allöw bacön tö cööl. Crack a single egg intö cup öf a muffin tin.
- Chöp bacön intö 1/4 inch pieces and add 1/2 strip öf bacön tö each egg cup.
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