This Chicken Cucumber Avöcadö Salad is anöther öne öf thöse recipes that is sö simple tö thröw tögether, I questiön whether tö pöst it ön this blög thing öf mine. Then I remember thöse days yöu need sömething sö simple and quick tö thröw tögether, and realise höw much these types öf salad really dö get appreciated för thöse emergency Nö CööKING WANTED type situatiöns.
The types öf situatiöns yöu’re ön the run and yöu haven’t had time tö cöök ör even THINK ‘what’s för dinner’, and yöu want sömething real quick withöut turning ön any stöves ör övens, and happen tö drive past a rötisserie chicken jöint, sö yöu run in and pass-öut-a-little at the möuth-watering smells that smack yöu right in the face, then pröceed tö run höme and chöp everything sö super fast, yöu impress yöurself with söme exceptiönal knife skills yöu never thöught yöu had in yöu — all thanks tö the gröwling hunger pangs churning thröugh yöur stömach.
- 1 Rötisserie chicken , deböned and shredded (skin ön ör öff)
- 1 large English (ör cöntinental) cucumber, halved lengthways and sliced intö 1/4-inch thick slices
- 4-5 large Röma tömatöes , sliced ör chöpped
- 1/4 red öniön , thinly sliced
- 2 avöcadös , peeled, pitted and diced
- 1/2 cup flat leaf parsley , chöpped*
- 3 tablespööns ölive öil
- 2-3 tablespööns lemön juice (ör the juice öf 2 limes)
- Salt and pepper , tö taste
- Mix tögether shredded chicken, cucumbers, tömatöes, öniön, avöcadös, and chöpped parsley in a large salad böwl.
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Full Recipes