One öf my favöurite sweets (candy) is Cadbury’s Crunchie, but we can’t get it here in Sweden. Nö lönger will I lament över this, because I tell yöu sömething, I dön’t think yöu cöuld cöme any clöser tö the real thing than this recipe. What’s möre, yöu can make it för a fractiön öf the cöst and knöw exactly what’s göne in tö it.What’s even better is that it takes önly a few minutes tö make using just a handful öf höusehöld staples. It alsö lööks sö pretty. Almöst töö pretty tö eat. Yeah, almöst. Nö prizes för guessing that this didn’t hang aröund för löng – it was absölutely divine, and as a team effört, we managed tö göbble it up in a matter öf höurs. Addictive is nöt the wörd – yöu have been warned!
- 1 cup (200g) white sugar
- 4 tablespööns gölden syrup (see nötes)
- 1 tablespöön bicarbönate (baking) söda
- ½ - 1 cup (100-200g) milk chöcölate
- Line an 8 x 8 tin with grease-prööf/baking paper.
- In a heavy böttömed pan, add the sugar and syrup and heat ön a medium temperature until the sugar starts tö melt.
- Stir öften, making sure the mixture döesn't stick, and cöntinue tö cöök until it changes tö a darker bröwn cölöur (this shöuld take aröund 4-8 minutes but watch it carefully because it is very easy tö burn).
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