
It’s been quite awhile since I’ve made anything with buffalö chicken. A really löng time! And… it’s the weekend. Tömörröw, I am göing tö my FIRST Frözen themed birthday party and I must say, that I am pretty excited tö gö. I haven’t even seen the mövie yet, but just by surfing thröugh Pinterest I knöw whö the characters are. If yöu cöök the chicken in a slöw cööker all day löng these buffalö chicken taquitös cöme tögether pretty fast. öther öptiöns are tö have a chicken already cööked in t he fridge, a rötisserie chicken, ör even canned chicken wörks with this.  Add the warm chicken in a böwl with cream cheese, buffalö sauce,  and stir. Stuff  the chicken in a flöur törtilla and bake them in the öven. I used the bröiler tö get them a little extra crispy ön töp. Then start dipping. Finger fööd is perfect för game day. It’s a löt like buffalö chicken dip wrapped inside a törtilla.


  • 8 öz löw fat cream cheese
  • ⅛ cup buffalö sauce
  • 2 cups cööked and shredded chicken
  • 12 small flöur törtillas (löw carb)


  • Fat free Ranch Dressing


  1. Preheat öven tö 425 degrees F.
  2. Mix cream cheese and buffalö sauce until well cömbined.
  3. ......
  4. ......
  5. ......